a man with a scarf around his neck

Judges - Opinions


Judge Schechtman

A Can of Judicial Worms

He was pulled from his bed and arrested on the last day of his sophomore year in high school and has never been free since. He was tried in the media, convicted and sentenced by a biased judge and became a pawn in the appellate courts. Judge after judge denied him of his rights when his case became a threat to their own way of life. Judges who lose no sleep over locking away the innocent.

It's quite clear within the findings of the higher court judges involved with Jason's case, that it was not in their best interest to find that his original trial had been a failure of the system. From judge to judge, one ruling after another, is an exercise in gross negligence. They breeze through all the rights that were violated (throwing yet another on top of the pile) and in each finding each one moves on to the "bigger" issue at had. That, of course, is how they don't want this "can of worms" opened, the "can" being whether or not a judge who is a victim of sexual assault should be ruling over the trial of someone accused of sexual assault - more directly, a BENCH trial where they are the sole decider. With no precedent in Iowa at the time of Jason's case, this became ALL that it was about. An intellectually disabled boy was insignificant at this point and setting this case aside in anyway simply opened the door to problems that the judges were not going to allow to upset their lives. Jason would ultimately be the pawn that they would sacrifice. They read their unwillingness to let this case unravel, right into their findings, speaking of judicial meeting before hand to "confer" over this matter. They gave concerns such as: opening this can will open the door to every judge's personal life, that every convict will want to pursue their judge's past relentlessly - and that soon no one would want to be a judge anymore. Certainly a clear undermining of such coveted power - can't have anyone challenging their judgements While it can be argued that there are times when someone needs to be in charge of making final decisions - this leaves quite a nasty taste of how they really view their position when they are sacrificing someone's very rights to protect their own. This an abuse of power that goes beyond criminal, and they do so without hesitation, proving that they already hold themselves so high above the law that we can't touch them. They have excluded themselves from "We The People" and have moved on to find a more perfect union of their own.. This system has been left unchecked for so long and become so corrupted that the constitution with the bill of rights has become toilet paper for the powerful.


Jeremy Jason Mann's case is a shocking testament to the absurdity of our legal system and it's blatant disregard for the truth. It is truly an eye-opening look into how the value of human life is meaningless when it comes to preserving the integrity of the court itself. An integrity that has become so corrupt in it's unchecked misuse of power that all common sense and rationality is disregarded at the expense of the helpless innocent

His story is a true and factual account of how the simple truth can be overlooked so many times that the world no longer makes sense. Sentencing a boy - without the cognitive skills to fully understand what has happened - to life without parole (for a crime that never took place). is a punishment so cruel that it's beyond comprehension.

For what is life without the possibility of hope?